someone who has an almost impossible breadth of internet exposure via their “many hands” like an octopus
"You’re an octopus in the online bird community"
by birbocto August 11, 2022
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A way to eat Cheetos while scoffing down tortillas and and farting uncontrollably through the place where your heart is located. Or it could also be a sea creature with 8 legs and 3 hearts.
Jimmy: Oh your doing an octopus, nice
by 809ugyug March 9, 2023
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Anything that is amplified, far-reaching, or has many touchpoints on the internet.

A digital result that amplifies the message.
Many touchpoints online.
An Influencer that has extensive reach.
For example, "Her social media is Octopus."
Cher is all over the world, she's Octopus.
Go Octopus that.
That influencer is Octopus.
by Tina The Diva July 2, 2021
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An over powered creature that has many limbs and seems to be the god/goddess of ink and beating up squid.
"Did you see that Octopus on the TV?!" Jakee exclaimed to Jamee
"OMG, yeah! It was crazy, I can't believe something that killed that big of a squid!"Jamee stated
by ThisUserLikesWatt-Pad December 7, 2020
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A very pleasing blowjob by an ugly or unattractive female. These females most often have long, untrimmed mustaches and smell like dick cheese.
That ugly bitch gave me a Ploop Octopus bro, i came in her mouth and she made my dick hairs stand up.
by big dick nigga with December 4, 2019
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It's a verse used jokingly to say, "yes, let's do this" or "hell yeah".
Person 1: Say man, you wanna play some bones.
Person 2: Yeah my nig, Fade the octopus.
by boo&brasen February 21, 2011
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a very tall girl with an obsession for batman who loves it when you pull her feet and call her daddy she's the dominant one, with a lot of moles. likes to eat icecream with a fork.
that emily in our math class dude she's a real octopus juice on toast
by turtleoctoman August 10, 2017
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