To utterly defile a victimized person of either sex. Can occur at any age, by anyone to anyone. It is not a joke. It is the subject of many UD submissions, but should not constitute as a form of entertainment, nor amusement. This terrible act ruins a person on many levels for the rest of their life. It is considered a greaat subject of high school and peri-adolescent males and females alike. However, should they grow up and consider the feelings of those survivors of said act they would come to realize how heedy this particular subject truly is.
Tulsa, Oklahoma recently caught a suspect accused of serial rape. The sick son of a bitch raped at least eleven victims ranging in age from TWO YEARS OLD to twenty. I hope they fry the shithole for his calculated serial rape crimes.
by THE REAL JULIA February 24, 2006
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forcing someone or something to do something it dont wanna do
Me:I drove my truck around a sharp ass corner doin 95!
Some guy: man you were fuckin raping that thing!
Me:yeah I was!
Girl:no I dont wanna suck your dick
Guy (with gun): suck it! suck it dry! (I RAPED YOUR MA)
by Dirty Ed April 16, 2005
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to be forced to have sex and it is a big crime.
whaen the dead girl was found she had been raped and killed
by dontrape3 August 8, 2009
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To pull information from a computer at a very high rate, causing the remote partys computer to slow down, and be unusabel, and pissing its owner off.
"Hang on a second ash, im just going to rape your machine for a few gig of mp3s."

"You fucking bastard, its gone all slow!"
by DarkHalf September 5, 2003
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Raping someone's ass by shoving your dick into it when they say no.

Would you like a cup of Chicken Noodle rape?
by cup-o-rape November 11, 2008
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What took place in Foxboro in the 2010 playoffs.
by sha_tha_fack_ap January 13, 2010
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In basketball when the ball goes in and out of the rim.
Dude, that shot was so rape, I can believe the ball did that.
by Dis Cleavage Tho October 14, 2017
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