To be rust is to not be known, it can be used as an insult. Its for someone who acts cocky or someone you dislike.
Jake: I get hoes for days bruh, yesterday I signed someone autograph paper
Ron: jhit nobody know you bruh, you rust. you literally went to mcdonalds for a SMALL moka frappe and that wasn't even an autograph you signed. You literally just got dumped by your ex girlfriend yesterday
by Slanging Florida January 5, 2021
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A map on call of duty that originated in call of duty modern warfare 2 but then became a mainly 1v1ing map for most players
me you and rust
by the legendary yodeler June 2, 2020
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Amazing video game, makes most players rage quit and it’s very toxic
Rust is a survival game with toxic faggots
by Cursd November 17, 2021
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1. when you dip metal in vinegar
2. possibly the worst and most toxic game in modern-day, literally just a bunch of cavemen running around shooting naked people. great game 10/10 would never play again
"i spit on this game for many reasons, just to go back 10 months later and love it all over again" - rust player
by ass_slapper February 7, 2022
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Rust is an amazing game that has taken the gaming world by storm. It is a survival game that has players fighting for their lives in a hostile environment. Players must scavenge for resources, build shelters, and craft weapons in order to survive. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must battle against the environment, other players, and even the game itself.

The game is incredibly immersive and has a great atmosphere. The graphics are stunning and the sound design is top-notch. The game also has a great sense of progression as players can upgrade their weapons and build better shelters. The game also has a great crafting system that allows players to create their own items.

The game also has a great multiplayer component. Players can join servers and play with other players. This adds a great social aspect to the game and allows players to form alliances and fight against each other.

Overall, Rust is an amazing game that has something for everyone. It has great graphics, sound design, and a great crafting system. The game also has a great multiplayer component that allows players to join servers and play with other players. If you are looking for a great survival game, then Rust is definitely worth checking out.
by Sku11zey July 10, 2023
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A game that will surprisingly manage to f*ck you over at least once every ten minutes at this rate might aswell play fifa or cod gives you that same feeling of wanting to throw your controller through the window while blasting your console
"Aye lad wanna get f**ked over multiple times even get molested by ur own guns when u get off"

"No c*nt I don't wanna play rust"

by Micheal jackpedophile September 26, 2021
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Rust is a discord exploiter, and codes in various languages such as Python, C, C# and is currently learning C++.
He has the skill of grabbing ip, discord account tokens and raiding discord servers and accounts with ease.
He has hacked the american government, and is working with the russian gov to gather information on the USA.
He can doxx and is a malicious hacker.
Website: I am protected with cloudfare!!!1!!1!1!!1!
Rust: Not for long.
by HellSec August 6, 2021
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