Another sexual referral from smash or bang.
Hey man, I did some penile destruction on your sister!
by munkee yes November 23, 2020
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A crusty cheese like substance that develops on an unwashed penis after several days.
"Last night Jenna licked the penile crust straight off my dick."
by gaylorddickcheese February 10, 2018
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When you hold your penis shut while peeing and hold it in for an hour. Then release a charged blast of blood and urine
Guy1: dude, i just did a charged penile blast!
Guy2: woah
by lump420 July 14, 2019
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I gave myself a good penil whiffer before my date yesterday
by bigbadonkadonk April 30, 2021
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When 2-5 men put a small boxing glove on yo sausage, grab a hold of it and wack each other with it
by Poop Inspector April 5, 2018
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1) Any sort of STD.

2) An infection of the penis

3) a reference to a very small penis
1) "ive got a nasty penile germ"
2) He doesn't have a big dick, he has a penile germ
by mabolzichjjl September 28, 2010
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