A small British turnover type pastry filled with fruit, vegetables, meat or cheese with spices, folded in half and baked. To be eaten with one's fingers as a snack or light meal.
I'd like two pumpkin pastys, please.
by Joycat17 December 16, 2022
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A pasty virgin is a virgin that is not only pasty white but also is desperate they with literally fuck a tree.
Donald is a pasty virgin.
by O’Bambi November 18, 2017
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White Air Force Ones or white shoes that are super dirty and dingy
Mike got on them white pasties. He knows damn well it does not go with that outfit.
by Kvngg97 September 11, 2021
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Back in the 80s Larry Bird was considered the best pasty prince. In the 2000s Steve Nash and Dirk were the top 2 past princes in the NBA. In the modern era it’s quite clear that Luka Doncic and Nikola Jokić are the top two pasty princes of the NBA.
by Dr. Glayvine August 10, 2022
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"Im not saying it was slack, but it was like kicking a pasty down the High St."
by duo3nan August 8, 2008
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a vague reference to an undefined sexual act.

Most likely to be a euphemism for masturbation.

Can also be used as 'smashing the pasty.' (To be in the act of.)
"I've just smashed the pasty on her face"
by _linzi December 12, 2011
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