The act of copying someone's technique or moves in sports to enhance your own performance. athletic skill, athlete, basketball, football, baseball, hockey, NCAA, NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, college sports, professional sports, star athlete, cultural appropriation
I saw you pull that triple crossover, you faked that guy out of his shoes. I got that from you after I saw your last game. Hey that's athletic appropriation, but that's okay-I got mad skills.
by joecoolthefool September 8, 2016
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Sneaky athletic is a nice term for a somewhat athletic white guy, i.e Josh Allen
Guy: Yo that play was awesome
Friend: I know Josh Allen is so good
Guy: Yeah he’s a sneaky athletic player
Commentator on TV: And Josh Allen, who is sneaky athletic, just ran a Packer over!
Random Bears fan: Fuck Green Bay
by Hugh J4nu$ October 4, 2023
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A un sportay person irl but in movies they’re a worldwide athlete.
by Mei crane January 30, 2021
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A Place where students take Instagram story photos infront of a school restroom mirror and the Athletes harrassing the special kids
Dang these Trifling athletes sure love showing their pants on instagram...
by CocofofoRohoMaho22 January 14, 2022
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The Benefits of time management for athletes and non-athletes
The Benefits of time management for athletes and non-athletes
by Hocarim May 27, 2022
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Kid throws his dad a basketball

Random woman: That child is gonna be a pro athlete

*Gets gets the ball aggressive swung at his face
by Hebrew122 November 1, 2021
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