The inflated ego a presumably attractive woman receives from thirsty dudes who follow her on social media.
Omg did you see how many likes Stacy got on that picture with the low cut shirt? Her thirst balloon is so inflated right now.
by Jasperlover435 March 31, 2016
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Problems that are only experienced by people with an abundance of admirers and/or partners.
"That guy I was flirting with wants me - but he won't date polyamorous chicks." *Sulks*
"Oh honey you've got thirst world problems!"
by CiciMcGee May 29, 2021
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Someone who is thirsty beyond thirsty. They need something other then water to quench their thirst;-)
Person A: Omg! Did you hear what Tatiana did to Lawrence yesterday?! She's such a thirst buckita
by Drunk_Duck August 9, 2016
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quench your thirst by drinking the thirst
"man im so thirsty"
"drink the thirst"
by SillySausage42 September 11, 2022
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A person that is unnoticed by other people that does anything to get the attention they've been seeking to quench their undying thirst.
Bitch: *ripping clothes off & twerking*
Nigga #1: damn, wtf that bitch doing?!
Nigga #2: dude don't pay attention to her...she's got a case of the invisi-thirst, *throws water bottle*
Bitch: *flips hair*
by CollardGreenaesha July 12, 2013
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When your in search of a toilet that cups you just right so you can go #2 (poop)
Damn them sugar-free chocolates sure had me thirst crappin !
by JennYewen November 8, 2023
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