Remi is usually a fat ass with boy with a mop of brown hair and wares the same greasy sweatshirt every day, but is the nicest most caring person you can ever come across. He’s the raw definition of “he’s going to be so hot in high school”
Boy: “Omg it’s remi, look out, he’s kinda ugly
Girl *orgasms uncontrollably*
by Penis man :/ April 7, 2022
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She is one of a kind you could say and uhm yeah she is definitely something
#1: Omg is the Remi
#2: Duh she has a Starbucks strawberry açaí with lemonade
by Somethingonearth<3 May 26, 2022
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the most dumbass bitch you'll ever meet. she's kinda cool tho. NAH JK SHES A Foòkïń arsê.
"wowie. you're a remi?"


"dubâśš bítćh"
by theater_rat🐀 February 22, 2020
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The most amazing boy you’ll ever meet. He’s kind, funny, gentle, loving, ect. He’ll always be there for you, and will always try his best to make you feel better. He’ll be dumb and silly all the time just to make you laugh. He will piss you off and you’ll argue, but he’ll always keep fighting and will do whatever he can to stay with you. There’s no true way to explain how amazing Remi is, just be thankful you found your way to him. You’ll always have my heart big boy <3
Are you and Remi still together?”

by November 24, 2021
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the best person u will ever meet she is an angle and amazing no one compares to her shes an ideal friend :)) <333
my new friend is remi :D
by mimito <3 January 18, 2022
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one of the most beautiful girls i have ever met, she's just show stopping and cool and amazing and she really is so smart. I always dream of being with her one day.
guy 1:man have you seen that remi?
guy 2:yes, shes so amazing
by theultimateyk January 31, 2022
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Grade A idiot...most likely to die of stupidity or be in prison..whichever comes first
Stop being Remi
by Roxyanne November 24, 2021
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