1. Another word for nigga with an 'er'.

2. A word to say if you wan't to get furiously jumped by some black folks.
White: Neighbor, please
Black: nigga did you just call me a fuckin nigg-r?
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The N-word for middle-aged white dads/boomers.
Hey, yo, wassup neighbor! Kids, was that HIP enough for you? It wasn't? Oh, well let me get the belt then!
by Moe Jama November 13, 2019
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A game where one drives a muffler deleted car through neighborhoods past 11 pm attempting to wake the sleeping individuals. You win the game if the person comes out of their house, chasing you.
The goons played Wake the Neighbor last night and almost got arrested.
by The Name April 28, 2018
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Someone who uses the stall next to you, especially when you both are taking shits. You'll meet each other, stink, and part ways.
"Damn, how long were you in there?"

"I don't know, I was talking to Mike."

"Who's Mike?"

"He's my dump neighbor."

by Ilisten2Metal June 10, 2014
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A luminous yet intangible figure who observes and dissects their surroundings. This figure is fully in control and seeks social experimentation at every corner.
The lucid neighbor had a subtle creepiness to them. They had been watching all along.
by sirhealist February 5, 2018
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when your passenger in the front seat gives you directions but you know where your going.
stop being a neighbor driver I know where I'm going
by KYL35T0N3 August 1, 2020
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Independent record label from Montreal.

Artists signed to the label include RG, Lost6oy, King Reefer, The Truth, Shadow Silver, Klassic, Joey D, and Lil BoyGoth.

Official website:

My brother was speaking with the head of Friendly Neighbor Records yesterday, he's hoping to get signed soon.
by WowItsRG May 3, 2020
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