Harper is that one boy in school who is really over hyped.. but you don’t like him because of that. You like him because he’s charming, kind, and his deep eyes always seem to find yours. He’s goofy but that’s the best kind. He’s shy around you, but you realized it’s only you.
Harper is so fine..
by HarperFineAsf<3 September 7, 2022
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Harper is a cool guy but he can also be an asshole. Some of the harpers you meet are probably gonna be tall. If you have a small friend name harper be kind.
Harper: Hi chase!
Chase:Hi Harper
by wrd2 smd March 1, 2023
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Harper is the most beautiful and amazing person you will ever meet. She is perfect in every single way. Her taste in music is beyond amazing. She is incredibly talented. She's a fantastic musician and writer. She is super smart, easily the most intelligent person you know. She is very funny and interesting. Her smile always lights up the room. She is the prettiest girl in the whole world. She is very caring and understanding. She will try to do anything to help you. If you ever come across a harper make sure to hold her tight and never let her go.
Wow that girl is perfect she must be named harper
by Maddoxiscool98 February 7, 2022
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Look ,there’s a cute little Harper beside you!It looks like wanting to talk to you!
by 竜神庵死流 November 30, 2021
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Harper is that quiet girl who everyone secretly adores. She often keeps her mouth shut, but if you talk to her you will most definitely fall for her. Harpers often have bangs. They are cute and funny but also very timid. They often have several people ask them out but they will usually say no to everyone.
Goddamn, Harper is so insightful.
by #Thatgirl/quiet November 1, 2019
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Harper is a sexy beast who takes long strides while walking because he has a monsterous dick. He constantly walks with his hands in his pockets with a smile on his and is always on the sidelines during football games.
Person 1: “why he walk like that

Person 2: “he has a monsterous dick”

Person 1: “is he a Harper?”
Person 2: “yup
by Iheartbigmouthjay November 24, 2021
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A very nice guy, loves to make you laugh,and will always be there for you if you get hurt or something he will be there to help. and is awesome at playing kickball
by CUTE_CHICK May 9, 2021
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