Like a Sugar mamma but she’s fat with money
That lady sure is a sugar hog
by Babybackbitch72 June 26, 2023
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Constantly being paid in any sort of manner (Clothing, food, gifts, tuition..etc) by someone you know. Such as...your friends, family, partner, sugar daddy, sugar mommy...etc.
I've been sugar fed all week, cause my cousin keeps paying for me.
by mentality-another August 26, 2022
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What I call anyone that has mental issues
Your a sugar free onion
(Said to hobo across the street)
by Awesome cat child May 22, 2021
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A SFW word that parents can use when they’re tripping balls on cocaine
It’s okay honey, mommy is just a bit sugar high right now
by Yoinkthezoink November 20, 2020
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An overly flamboyant or gay person that never shuts the fuck up. only use this if you want to mentally OBLITERATE your opponent.

See also: faggot.
"Dude have you seen Parker? Bro's such a sugar poppy."

"I know right. he may be gay but he is definitely better than anyone named Skylar"
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