when two men get together and start drinking tequila one man will get completely naked and bend over and touch his toes while the other guy rubs lubricant on the other mans asshole then turns on the song "tequila" and only pulls out when he yells tequila
Bro last night I totally saw Chris and Jordan doing the tequila toe touch
by Tay Tay 476 November 5, 2019
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Have your lady insert a 100% Agave tequila tampon, squirt lime juice and "salt the rim". Pull string and enjoy!
"We were sick of body shots, so we decided to do Tia Tequilas."
by Doc_Camber January 29, 2017
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When you receive multiple friend requests on Facebook of people wanting a “sexual shot” with you.
“I woke up to like 20 Facebook Tequila Shots this morning”.
by SuzieSays December 1, 2020
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fingers that have been affected by tequila; a fancy way to say “drunk texting
Caroline blames her tequila fingers on texting me last night.
by dumbassery95 February 17, 2021
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Typically observed in a party setting and sustained solely by Lunazul tequila. Has been known to take off at unexpected times. Inexplicable attraction to cows and aversion to white claws or so called "bitch drinks". If your looking into getting your own tequila Steve you may want to get a restraining apparatus such as a straight jacket and keep him away from valued objects and unattended parked cars.
"Dude my car got coffined last night i think there was a tequila steve on the prowl"
by broseph6699 November 20, 2019
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A tequila mile is when you run a full mile on a track and after every lap you take a tequila shot and keep going.
Yo you wanna run a tequila mile tomorrow?
by professionalcapper July 29, 2023
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