No. No one wants to build a fucking snowman with you.
Do You Want To Build A Snowman is so 2013
by MrRandomDudeOnTheUrban September 15, 2014
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1. The most addictive song ever (from the blockbuster Frozen)!
2. Another way of saying "do you want to have sex?".
I can't stop singing "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?"!

I wanted that pussy, so I asked my girlfriend, "do you wanna build a snowman?".
by dat guy from da insta July 3, 2014
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It's a way of secretly asking if you want to make out with the asker and eventually have sexual intercourse.
He: Hi there!
She: Hey, long time.
He: For sure. What are your plans for this weekend?
She: None. Do you want to build a snowman?
by GOIENmv January 9, 2019
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A “Snow”man that you make during the winter when there isn’t much snow on the ground. Due to the lack of snow, it ends up being mostly dirt. Commonly mistaken for real Black men.
“Hey, you wanna go build a Brown Snowman?”
>Fuck that, just wait for more snow.
by OneWholeGay December 26, 2020
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When a man masturbates during the winter but does not clean any of the residue, semen or "snow", off during the entire winter eventually leading to a point of no return where the penis is no longer visible and only a snowman shaped figure can be made out of the residue near the end of the winter.
Did ya hear about Earl? His mom caught with a Colorado Snowman and now he has to repent for his sins!... and take a bath!
by Brownsugar December 31, 2014
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Also known as a North Dakota snowman. The German snow man is achieved by using canned air/"cleaning duster" tipping the can upside down ,then inserting the upside down can spray tip into someones anus and spraying the freezing cold substance. This freezing the person's skin.
I just gave my brother the good old German snowman("North Dakota snowman") so he'd quit complaining about being too warm .
by LyssaMFB November 5, 2022
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A nickname for cocaine. Sounds like it came from a 1980s animated film about fairies.
Guy 1: Dude, I need a fix. Let's go get some snowman powder.
Guy 2: What the fuck is that? Sounds like some gay shit.
by TheRealDickCox November 24, 2010
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