A fake app that pretends to work and but in reality doesn’t and is an elaborate scam.
That stock is the next HUMBL you idiot.
by Just the tip! September 5, 2021
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Announcing that oneself is "humble" actually makes him/ her/ them less humble. The more that one self-proclaims "humility," the less humble that person is in reality. This is the essence of a "humble person," which is represented mathematically as follows:

Level of humble = 1 - self-proclaimed humble level
Mike: *calls himself "humblemike"*
Mike's friends: "Mike clearly isn't that humble. According to the humble scale, I think his humble level just dropped to 3%"
by neutralayelet October 7, 2019
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When a white person lower's their own self-value in a conversation as to avoid sounding superior, especially common in progressive countries/states.
Friend: "I hate it when my uncle says I can't talk to white people!"
Honky: "I totally empathize man, It's not my culture and I don't mean to impose my values or imply you are anything other than equal to all humans but it sounds unfair to you"
Friend: "Jesus slow down, Humble Honky"
by M1sterInternet January 20, 2023
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Oho! We're you humbled? Is that what you were?
Hym "You were humbled were you? Ohoho! Well, you're very welcome my guy! This moment of humility brought you by Hym! Hahaha! Bring humility, genius propositions that are parroted by PhD professors, and enriching both eastern and western cultures with my very essence; one definition at a time."
by Hym Iam June 19, 2022
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When someone is "Humbled" that person is brought back down to earth from their ego tower. A person who thinks he is better than he actually is, is in need of being humbled.
"Wow, did you see how Ahraz got Humbled in smash bros?"
"Razentine got humbled today at work, AGAIN!"
"I've never seen someone get humbled so bad playing Toon Link."
"My Indian friend got humbled after all his claims of being immortal to gun bullets."
by Pakistani protagonist March 22, 2022
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Verb getting humbled: to take someone's blissful pride, self-centeredness, narcissism or ego down to a point where they realize they're not the *hot shit* or *alpha* they thought they were.

Often done in a polite way without involving physical or verbal aggression, and even less so, passive-aggressiveness.
Reddit mods: (trying to insert their frail authority) We're going to protest by privating your sites for 48 hours!
Reddit CEO: (humbling their authority) open the sites or we'll replace you with other mods.
Reddit mods: (humbled, realizing they don't have any authority) woah woah easy easy look we already opened them back no need to replace us right?
by FranSauce June 20, 2023
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