(Noun) - A girl who works a full-time job, cares for her family, and has a hard time sleeping. A girl who gets dressed up and people still ask her if she is tired. She will sometimes have anxiety and be a little emotional.

She will always answer the question, "How are you?" with "Tired, but good".
"When I was a kid I was told I could go anywhere, be anyone, and do anything. I honestly just want to go back to bed, cause I am a tired girl."
by SheThinksShesFunny July 19, 2018
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The worst place ever! Satan goes to hell to get a break from Mr. Tire. Imagine if you will a place that harbors ill will, does not care about anything, and resembles the Grim Reaper himself.
Man I just got back from the worst vacation ever! Bad food, bad service, and bad company. It was as if I was at Mr. Tire!
by A. Tatoo Corado July 9, 2011
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after pulling an all-nighter, not being able to remember anything that happens until noon the next day, losing all control of motor skills, drooling all over your notes in class...at least until noon, and being convinced that "Wolfpack, are organized" is a complete sentence
Guy: Look at these notes I took in my 8:30 class.
Anne: Wow...they're pretty...interesting. If I can directly quote from your notes: 'Wolfpack, are organized."
Guy: Don't hate. I was blackout tired.
by E. H. Little October 24, 2007
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When multiple men cum on a fat woman's fat rolls.
That orgy was awesome, that hefty broad was covered in tire chains
by Sexual Tyrannosaurus January 2, 2017
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When someone or something has been used and is currently played out.
by aratnottus February 25, 2016
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That feeling when you're buzzed from too much caffeine but it's not helping; you're still tired as hell.
Dude, I'm so wired-tired, running on 2 hours of sleep and 3 Monsters is just making me a jittery sleepy person...
by KaeKae January 3, 2014
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Its when you are extremely tired, typically occurs after pulling an all nighter.
Man i shouldnt have stayed up all night, I am as tired as the day.
by ucourt January 18, 2012
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