He wyomed them.
by AInternetUser February 21, 2022
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an term used in rts games to tell the fact you are taking the usa as a nation not in the americas continent or invading the usa as a small nation
"I think China and the Greater Monaco are in the wyoming war!"
by lauchfromdarkages May 27, 2022
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When you attach a dildo to a power drill and go to town.
My lady boner was so hard I had to use the Wyoming Drill last night.
by Twice45 September 8, 2018
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A Wyoming Sampson occurs you take your slippery cum slut to Chick Fil A and order a 30 count nugget with 9 packs of zesty Buffalo sauce. After you receive your order, you park behind the Chick Fil A, and proceed to stick your Lyndon B into her badunkadonk. While doing buttsex, you forcefully slip the Nuggets into her mouth, one by one, full of zesty Buffalo sauce. To spice things up, you can also put the sauce onto your Johnson to allow for full posterior pleasure.
“My bitch asked me to take her on a fancy date, so I pulled up to Chick Fil A and Wyoming sampson’d dat ass.”
by buster_hymen69420 May 4, 2022
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When a girl takes a shit and you proceed to fuck the girl with the shit on your dick.
That girl was freaky, she let me do a Wyoming traffic jam and now my dick burns.
by Whahzhxus November 19, 2017
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the town where the innocent go to lie.
Residents of Schmetterling, Wyoming are rumored to be in the Witness Protection Program.
by TheARTisUS_dotcom May 15, 2023
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The act of taking a fat lesbian women and having buttsex with her while she moos in a wind farm.
Man 1: How was the family reunion in Cheyenne?

Man 2: Great my cousin and I played the Wyoming cow lift!
by Jack is a fag November 18, 2019
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