When you are trying to have sex with a girl but her vagina is too blown out even for the Holland Snuggie (see definition), you decide to take it to the back door. Unknown to you she recently had Chipotle. While doing her from behind a spicy transfer occurred when a jalapeño seed from her poop shoot made it into your dick hole causing a shooting pain through your pickle.
Last night was the last time I will ever pick up a random piece after Taco Tuesday because after 5 minutes of anal a spicy transfer occurred.
by Spicy Jalapeño 69 January 25, 2017
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The phenomenon of when reading sex definitions on urban dictionary leads to the inevitable craving of sex
I was sitting in class reading sex terms on urban dictionary and realized how badly I was suffering from dick transference.
by Badger Bitch May 2, 2014
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When one gay guy poops into another mans butt hole.
Rhys performed a stock transfer on his boyfriend last night.
by Really lad?! June 18, 2021
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An extremely nerdy euphemism for masturbation. Used mostly by engineering students.
Student #1: "Hey man what are your plans for tonight."
Student #2: "Nothing much. Just gonna study and then some quick Heat and Mass Transfer. Same as always."
by arachnidred August 11, 2011
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Transferring feelings you have for a significant person in your life to someone who reminds you of that person. An example of this is when you meet someone who reminds you of your father and you transfer the feelings you have for your father to that person.
by CallMeMaybe3435 June 4, 2021
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An Oxy moron. How could it be smart to transfer a customer of yours to a sales person who will likely sign them up for something that they did not want, need, or agree to sign up for.
I am going to smart transfer this old lady so she'll get slammed into signing up for a credit monitoring program for hundreds of dollars more than it's worth.
by me July 11, 2004
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