When someone is horny they masturbate in their own shower (male) then turn the water off and ejactulate in the drain. Wait ten to twenty minutes and then remove the crusted semen covered hair resude from the drain then procede to ingest.
Did you see corey eat his moms pubs in that human fro?
by Hello... love... 15 April 16, 2011
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A human dorito is when someone looks like a meal (i dont mean meal as in food i mean meal as in lust)
Damn, Cassidy looks like a human dorito in those shorts.
by ..diehard December 1, 2022
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A safe word for a white person to use when they have the impulse to use the n-word.
You're such a neglected human.
by fadeismyname August 5, 2022
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Multiple boys line up in a line with their buttocks exposed and spread the cheeks. Each boy tongue punches the boys in-fronts butthole and rims gently whilst reaching round and cupping the balls to work the shaft . This then symbolises the look of a centipede. (Usually results in cumquake of 7.8 on Richter scale).
For example Cameron, scott and Rhys make the perfect human fartbox centipede.
by Spudoncus March 21, 2021
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On a male, when you constrict their testicles (specifically with a hand) and press on their prostate. The same is more difficult with females, as it requires pressing on their clitoris and asshole at the same time.

You will know the screenshot is complete when the woman says "wrong hole!" or the male leaks a small amount of precum.
Man! I was with this girl last night. She was so freaky she even did a human screenshot on me!

That's sick, dude.
by Zay_Man November 19, 2022
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What kind of world would it be if it was okay with everybody for a guy to walk up to a female and punch her in the face, without restraint, thought, or remorse, no matter what she did to him? People should absolutely be allowed to do anything they want to, but without consequences, without limits to behavior, without any checks or balances, without cops, without jails, without laws, human weakness would prevail. Human weakness can also prevail with excessive laws and limitations and excessive policing. Anything done to excess keeps things out of balance.
It's not doing anything they want to that a lot people don't like or agree with, it's facing the consequences of every action that they tend to be wary of, and with a lot of people, knowing they can go to jail over something they wanted to do, but did not get away with keeps them from doing it. Human weakness would plaque everything if there was only limitless actions, but not limitless consequences that went with it.
by Solid Mantis April 28, 2021
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