That funny little thing looking at you when you pull ur dick and balls back
Whilst in the bath with his little sister timmy found that if he pulled his and and testicles back his genitles looked like his sister's so he stapled them there...mangina
by Sam_big_penis May 6, 2008
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The act of tucking one's testicles and shaft behind one's legs and then closing one's legs to create an appearence of a "Mangina."
When my girlfriend's mother walked in on us, I swiftly slipped into
Mangina-Form to avoid shame.
by Dick Nasty March 15, 2003
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someone who does a mangina and walks around like a woman
I'm pretty sure Kevin is a mangina walker
by PEE WEE January 11, 2005
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A disease that afflicts men causing extreme irritability and excessive bitching! Cured only by rinsing out ones sandy mangina.
Last night i was trying to play battlefield bad company 2 with feather but he has sandy mangina syndrome so i had to mute him
by godnothing January 6, 2011
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Begins with a man arranging his genitals into a mangina. He then adopts a squat position, and slowly rises while sprouting branches with his arms. Often performed in time with slow, sensual music with all his mates taking humiliating photos to be posted on facebook/youtube.
Acknowledged as the punishment for losing by a ten goal margin in Pro Evolution Soccer.
Is sometimes refered to a 'Mangina seed', because the intention is to appear as a seed, sprouting into a Mangina Tree.
'Are we playing mangina rules?'
A 10-0 trashing later...
by Bogsyogsy January 30, 2008
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The most awesome form of mangina. One can pull off a through-the-pants mangina if he is going through an airport with the full body scanners, and gets scanned while in a mangina pose. The TSA attendant will thus see a picture of your through-the-pants mangina.

Related to the "through-the-pants goat," which is the same position but for the back side scan.
Bobby wanted to mess with the airline for having those creepy new body scanners, so he gave the TSA attendant a through-the-pants mangina.
by The Penis Pioneer November 19, 2010
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MBMP, MBMPing or Morning Boner Mangina Pissing is the only alternative to attempting to piss with morning boner and subsequently pissing all over the walls and floor of your bathroom. It is a simple technique, unconventional, but highly effective, wherein you stand with your ass facing the toilet, take your four fingers with your thumb extended upwards at a 90 degree angle, and fold your dick back between your legs as if to create a mangina.

Then, bending over and looking between your legs at the toilet behind you to ensure you do not miss the bowl, you proceed to piss, firmly holding your morning boner in place to prevent it from springing up and wreaking havoc.

Using this technique will allow you to avoid pissing in the shower or having to painfull force your boner downwards
Example #1:

Steve (to Bill): I can't stay over at my girlfriend's house anymore man
Bill: why not?
Steve: her mom caught me morning boner mangina pissing last time and now thinks I'm some sort of queer.
Bill: she obviously doens't know anything about dealing with a rock solid, red hot morning boner.
Steve and Bill: (yelling together) Morning Boner Mangina Pissing!
by shiteater9000 April 14, 2010
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