digitally enhanced male package; unnaturally huge junk
did you see beckham's bajonga-jong? it was totally digitally enhanced
by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay January 28, 2011
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To be a consultant who is cut out of a sly commission deal when the client and service provider get together directly.
Consultant: I've finally found a provider that can service all your requirements and cut a volume deal for you too.
Client: Oh it's OK, we're talking to them directly now so we don't need your help, I'll try for a discount though, thanks.
Consultant: Bugger and shit, Jonged again.
by The Celestial Architect August 28, 2021
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A fat asian midget that rules North Korea and starves his people taking all food away from them (that's why he's so fat) and threatens to nuke US and South Korea
Kim jong un is a crazy scumbag
by JustSomeRandomLad December 14, 2022
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The chick who your Mexican boyfriend is cheating on you with.
I can't believe that asshole had a secret Kim Jong-un.
by Mi gusta November 27, 2017
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A giant fucking fatass who dictates North Korea and makes life hell for basically EVERYBODY who lives there. Oh, and he has labor camps too. Jesus christ. Thank god I wasn't born there.
Person 1: You know Kim Jong Un?
Person 2: The Fatass?
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