Acronym for Hand of Sbab that describes the unnatural curse that can be placed on an organization (e.g. a public company, sports team, etc.) that causes it to inexplicably perform poorly within a short amount of time.
That company was doing very well, then it totally got HoS'ed and had to layoff half its workforce.
by ejslulu November 29, 2011
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"Where you stay at homeboy"? Man I live over in No Ho mutha fuckaa!!
by RiZoRoCkSkiii... July 3, 2009
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A phrase usually said three times by Santa Claus/Father Christmas.
"Ho ho ho merry Chrsitmas"
"Ho ho ho come and sit on Santa's lap little vulnerable child"
by Jeff24 July 10, 2003
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Coming out to your family and/or friends about your gayness at Christmas time.
Dirk finally told his parents he's gay on December 23rd, it was a classic case of ho Ho Ho Homosexuality.
by Circushead June 28, 2006
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A Prostitute.

Someone who sleeps around.

A woman who fucks men (or women) for money.

A women who fucks other gurls or guys while going out wif sumone

Someone who cheats on their partner
Jess is the biggest fucking ho i've ever met. She was going out with Mike for about 10 minutes before she got fingered by Jay and Rick (at the same time)
by becca nd danita April 14, 2004
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Pa ho ho.. slang term for the word penis in response to the term va jay jay used for the word vagina.
" I swear to god women you hit me in the pa ho ho again and i'll slap the shit out of your va jay jay! "
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