A metaphor meaning "to gain money" or "earn money."
Person 1: Man, I love my new job
Person 2: Really, why?
Person 1: I'm really herding in the bucks
that's not a boot on your foot that's a bone in my ear
by CorneliousTheWorm January 6, 2013
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a group of girlfriends at mizzou who actively participate in excessive binge drinking, finessing bottle service, and frequent visits to a local zebra. they are extremely entertaining if approached with the right attitude, but can come across as terrifying to outside observers. when one is spotted, it is guaranteed more are in close proximity as they never do anything by themselves. they are grade A schemers, masters of finesse, and relentless in their pursuits. they also enjoy laying collectively, going for long walks to the bar, and relaxing during monday night bachelor viewing times. if they take too much of an interest or liking to you, be prepared to constantly be harassed in numbers. other places they can be found: the big tree, ellis library, squid roe in cabo san lucas, the rise on 9th, their regularly reserved booth in the attic at myhouse nightclub and sports bar, b12, willies, 24 E stewart road.
"oh no... the herd just walked in"
"the herd is going to the attic tonight"
"herd up"
"hooves up!"
by tyreedesmuke April 27, 2019
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A dysfunctional group of people who are always together and are rarely seen apart. They know a good time when they see one.
Yo, here comes The Herd!
Did you see what they did last night?!?!?

That was insane!!
by Lol.com.k12.nj September 22, 2019
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She is the most annoying human in the world and she is two faced and a right cow no one likes her
that tara is a right bitch but we all love and know a tara. Tara herd means shes a bitch
by butchfacesop January 30, 2019
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A gathering of pussies while a truck is passing by with priceless artifacts from Egypt.
Wanna join my herd of gnome?
by youngmistro13 February 21, 2010
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When a woman mitigates multiple male companions or the act of maintaining multiple intimate relationships with two or more men. (See Chicken Juggling for the masculine equivalent)
Her talents for deception, and need for attention; had cursed her forever and always to be, a tube herding manipulator.
by DamianoDalia November 18, 2017
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A young woman's group of friends. They (the woman included) are to be thought of as one body. No one in the group does anything without everyone else's knowledge and/or approval. They use each other's eyes, ears, and minds collectively to figure out information and make decisions.

The term is most commonly used in a High School setting, but can also apply elsewhere.

“I once went out with a young man from Queens who only dated older women because younger ladies, he found, couldn’t do a thing without checking in with 15 of their friends. When you date a younger woman, he said, you also date all her friends, and it’s “a pain in the fucking ass.” You can’t just go out and do your own thing because she must receive approval from a larger governing body. A slightly more mature lady has friends—but she sure as shit doesn’t need their permission to live her life.”
“I kept trying to ask my crush out, but she was always with her herd.”
by RonjonLostHisWife March 23, 2018
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