big tasty is so hot. everyone loves big tasty. big tasty is the most baller chick ever. everyone loves big tasty. big tasty will rock your shit. everyone loves big tasty
by October 8, 2020
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The reason your maid dosent clean your bathroom anymore.
guy 1 : Hey you know how i havent had any diarrhea lately ?
dude 2: you should try the big tasty bacon burger
by your wifes gardener November 15, 2021
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Absolutely delicious in every imaginable way!
Mom: Do you like your pancakes sweetie?
Me: Ohhhhhhhh yeah, they are so tasty-rama!!!!!
by Chloey! August 17, 2008
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bascially when you double dip a gypsy while giving yourself unprotected sloppy seconds while a hungry mexican watches nearby waiting for the sloppy thirds
Cindy: whats up jon
Jon: hey whats up, do you want a tasty trey
Cindy: what kind of freak are you?
by ERRRRRrrrrrrrrrr January 9, 2008
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A sneaky little boi with a mustache And a itty-bitty goatee Who loves his tasty cakes yummy yummy yummy
“Hey boss what happened to all the tastykakes
“Oh god oh god we got hit by the dastardly the Tasty kake bandit.oh no he must’ve waddled away with them“
by TheGrozzlyBear September 1, 2022
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