Hotel Hospitality is act of pooping on a one night stand's pillow before you make your escape. Such as to leave a courtesy mint on a hotel pillow.
Skip: "Yeah bruh I totally gave that girl some hotel hospitality this morning while she was in the shower."

Pete: "Oh gnarly, wet or dry?"
by NikkiCorpse November 21, 2014
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The ship name for TKH and KTKT. Please go there if you need any help either medically, or in ur love life.
I have an appointment at kk hospital later to see a therapist for my love life.
by some body in your class September 8, 2021
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The preferential, lighthanded treatment offered to lighter skinned people by peace officers.
Zach got some police hospitality down at the march: stuffed uncuffed into that piggy whip and they even opened door on the flipside for him.
by PeckerGnat July 10, 2020
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A term famously coined by Clockwork, for when he mournfully announces to the lads that he’s once again succumbed to his incessant need to return to Harrogate District Hospital for the fourth time in a week.
“Huuuuuuuuuuuugh. Got a headache, going hospital.”
by Greengasbrown March 21, 2022
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One wrong move, and everyone fucking hates you.
(Person) I did this thing that is not very southern
(Southern People) YOUR DEAD TO ME!
That's southern hospitality
by April 22, 2022
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Being a nice person, not because you're altruistic, but because you don't want to be disliked by those around you.

It makes sense in rurality, where there are few people you can interact with and rely on, making it important that you stay on everyone's good side, as opposed to having more options for friends and colleagues, such as in a city. That being said, hospitality is a part of southern culture due to its requirement in rurality. It often means that people are usually nicer overall, because everyone is used to burying animosity. -just don't piss off a southerner, or it all comes out. Not just the one directed at you, but all the bottled up animosity that's been sealed up.

Southern hospitality can often be seen as being fake, which is valid to an extent, but it's similar to Japanese culture, where your problems are your own, and what you're going through is not someone else's problem- not wanting to burden others is a common thing in many cultures throughout the world, not just southerners in the united states.
My friend is annoying and keeps calling at 3am, but I answer anyway and entertain him for a bit before going back to sleep. It's annoying as shit, but I can't bring myself to tell him to stop. Call that some southern hospitality.
by Nobody knows nobody's nose November 2, 2023
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