Catalog Avatar Creator is a game where you can make new outfits, find inspirations for your Roblox avatar, have fun, and more!
Catalog Avatar Creator is fun go check it out pls
by brothcube November 9, 2021
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The movie that furries, therians, and hindus most prefer to masturbate to.
"Hey man, Avatar is on!"
"Great, I'll get my fur suit out from the washer. I soiled it the last time it was on."
by Mesozoical December 26, 2011
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A word where the top google result is disappointingly about the tall smurfs from mars and not the glowing elemental child who saves the world.
Get your priorities straight google! Avatar is better than Avatar so it should be first, even if it has 4 extra words.
by udontknowmeidontknowu June 17, 2021
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A wierd lookin guy (Or girl) who you probably made in kindergarten with a kindergarten website.
Hey John look at this stupid AVATAR this kid made.
by WagsFam5 May 29, 2020
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1. master of all four elements
2. a virtual character you can control
3. famous movie directed by James Cameron
1. Person 1: Do you want to become the Avatar?

Person 2: Of course
2. Person 1: My avatar is so boring.

Person 2: Then change it.
3. Person 1: Wanna watch Avatar

Person2: Nah I`ve seen it a thousand times
by SteVe93 June 18, 2020
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A movie that was not about a group of people trying to blow away some brown-skinned people. Yea, the main character was a guy named Big Daddy Jake Sully or something like that, and the other characters he met that weren't from earth had dreadlocks and lived in the jungle, but you knew they weren't brown-skinned humans (or Indians) because they were dark blue skinned (think of them as being closer to blue hedgehogs) aliens from the planet Pandora. Unobtanium wasn't like silver, gold, or oil, it was something so valuable EarthLink went to war with natives of another planet to get it, but it was unontanium, even if they got a little bit of it, they'd never really get the kind of uranium they went to war over. In the end Big Daddy Jake Sully goes to prcotcect his new friends on his new planet, nothing like that has ever happened before, since brown-skinned people don't fly on the backs of pterodactyls on real life, you can tell the avatars are dark blue skinned aliens, not humans.
Avatar wasn't a movie about human greed, it was a movie about being comfortable with 9 foot tall dark blue skinned aliens that were not anything like the biblical description of goliath, they were decent aliens.
by Solid Mantis January 2, 2020
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A movie that when you hear of it you think “oh yeah didn’t that come out like 2 years ago?” Well no I fans out in FCKN 2009!! Feel old yet?
My god I feel old! Avatar cane out is 2009!
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