When a girl or group of girls go for a night out and look for men to sleep with.
I fancy going sausage dogging in Hanley on Friday night.
by I. Lyc. Ett. January 26, 2014
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a redneck term meaning " thats amazing" , "i hate you" , " i am so exicted". nobody knows what it refers to as " the texas valley" , but top scientest have discoverd that it might be the bathroom where a quagina happend.
" i am as happy as a hickory smoked sausage in the texas valley" said the red neck.
by cam clyde November 4, 2009
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The printing of a penis in a pair of pants.
Becky: "damn, did you see his huge sausage print? I would love to unwrap that!"
by TallTin September 10, 2017
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The Australia version of the Alaskan pipeline. The act of pooping into a heat resistant condom, placing it on the engine of a 79 series landcruiser in the middle of the Simpson desert, then inserting it into ones anal cavity.
Dazza: “hey Shazza fire up the cruiser, wanna give me an outback sausage?”

Shazza: “yeah no worries cunny, give us 10 and then bend over and drop ya daks bud”
by Von Deeper from Kalgoorlie January 15, 2022
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When you put a sausage on a microphone so you can eat while hella gaming.
Person 1: I commuted microphone sausage yesterday
Person 2: Thats an act of war
by ItzzRyanYo September 16, 2020
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