When somebody has a really bad case of the shits and is using the restroom more than 5 times a day
Oh boy! I got the boo-boo bug
by That Lego on the floor February 15, 2017
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A super cute. Lady.alway.hip.And on the scene,boos. Chicky boo.
I'm clubbing with my friend my chicky boo.or bff or my chicky boo.
by June 10, 2021
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a boy who has huge feet and is probably dating someone that’s old enough to be his older sister. moåns a lot and talks inappropriate even though he doesn’t know what half the stuff he says means. an absolute sweat at geometry dash
playing geometry dash**
benny boo- FASTER DADDY
everyone else- wtf
by sNaiL 🐌🐌 June 11, 2021
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A certain way of saying "the bus" which implies friends or friendship related to the people on the bus or general statements to a friend about da boos.
by HackerBleach June 12, 2017
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A fine aged Bae much like fine aged wine and stinky cheese. A lover that is older than you and used to be cool 2 presidential administration's ago. He doesn't understand how to be hip but tries- really hard. Confused when young people don't react to his jokes.
Old boo problems (flatulence, back pain, gout, sex injuries, difficulty with technology)
Had to explain "sneakies" to my old boo.
by Crabcate January 25, 2017
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