The collection of artists that stay up night drinking Turkish coffee, for real, coffee.
As I distract myself from insomnia....I go online with the others, who paint, dream out loud, write novels, and sing, etc....we end up so much caffeine that we get tweaked out without drugs....and grab out next coffee. We're the sober tweakers #wickedsobah
by Siouxsie Supertramp August 15, 2021
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When you finger someone's ass and wipe their shit on their teeth.
I fingered my girlfriend and she laughed at me when she saw the shit on my finger so I gave those pearly whites a dirty tweaker.
by Somefaka February 6, 2022
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teetering between being a tweaker and naw son .
man that friend has dropped his R , hes become a fiend. Hes such a non terrible person! But, by golly Susan I dare say he's damn near a tweaker! He's tweaker teetin!
by Walter Chenko September 10, 2021
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A person who uses meth by themselves and keeps it a secret. Usually because they are ashamed or afraid of judgement.
It's crazy that Tony is a closet-tweaker, since he always seemed like a stoner.
by Mysterrii August 21, 2021
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Any Bluetooth speaker worn by a tweaker ! When spotted in the wild This speaker can be found attached to a portable charger for many days and nights at a time
Tweaker #1 : “Hey bro that’s a nice speaker”

Tweaker #2 : “ yea boiii , it’s my new tweaker speaker! Can you plug that portable charger in for me “
by June 29, 2023
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