The word Protestant originated at the 1529 Diet of Speyer, when the Lutheran Princes issued a "PROTESTATIO" i.e. a 'declaration' of their principles. They became the people of the declaration.

The word Protestant has had a number of interpretations over time, as the reformation itself evolved.

For instance some now would not class Luther as Protestant because he never denied the mass.

Esssentially the RC Church preaches that salvation is only for those who adhere totally to their teachings and doctrines, they interpret the Bible and RC's have to accept their word.

The Protestant Reformation taught that everybody has the right to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. When people began to study Scripture they saw that doctrines such as The Papacy, The Sacerdotal Priesthood, Transubstantiation, The Mass, The Immaculate Conception, Indulgences, Confessions, Holy Water, Rosary Beads, etc., etc., were all totally irrelevant to the simple Scriptural principle of Justification by Faith.
As a Protestant I reject the unscriptural doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome.
by soundprod April 10, 2016
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From the current president and his proxies, a warning to shut up or be shot.
"Our country allows you to protest peacefully, but there is no reason for violence," said Melania, as Trump threatened to unleash the army on Americans.
by Monkey's Dad June 2, 2020
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A person who joins in the latest trend of anti establishment demonstrations, to show the world how “woke” they are. Can usually be found posting their outrage on social media straight after the mass media reports an indiscretion. Stating how they have supported this cause all their lives. Before quickly moving onto the next headline and abandoning the previous cause and even contradicted themselves.
by Aftermath COVID 19 June 9, 2020
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A person who joins a march, demonstration or protest to voice his concern or frustration about an unrelated issue.
There was a peaceful May Day march in Seattle last year, but many piggyback protesters got involved and things became violent.
by FreyerTuck April 27, 2016
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Protests during the time of Catherine the Great didn't do anything. She called herself great, and had the wealth and power to keep anybody from disputing the claim by detracting from the title or calling her something like Catherine the Scum, Catherine the Loser, or Catherine the cunt no guy wants to be married to, so ultimately protests didnt get anything accomplished.
Protests get nothing done, they're just a lot of what politicians already do, talk a lot and get nothing done, a few people might die along the way, a lot of public space might get destroyed, that's about it. They're about the most pointless thing somebody could do with their frustration and anger, waste it. The people they're protesting usually try to get them even angrier, for their own amusement.
by Solid Mantis October 8, 2020
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You got governors that march protest with protestors as long as they're not protesting something the governor is doing.
The governor doesnt really care about the protestors he's marching with, he cares about getting reelected, which is why you dont see him marching or protesting when people are protesting his agenda and policies. Expecting a business to survive after not being open for over 6 months, or expecting everyone to help support the business during a time where the economy isnt stable and unemployment is high are not realistic expectations.
by Solid Mantis September 29, 2020
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Protests are just a bunch of Karens being collectively upset
by Defdude April 21, 2022
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