Screwing a family member on a financial transaction.
He paid his sister so far below market value on that property that it was economic incest.
by ThorMonster December 28, 2016
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An economic recovery in which the wealthiest benefit or gain new advantages from the recovery while everyone else continues to suffer and for the some and most poorest maters continually gets worse.
The "k-shaped" economic recovery was not a recovery for the poor, it was a downward spiral into poverty.
by mlhiss September 10, 2020
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A lesson for undergraduate economics classes. Economists those died hundreds of years ago can still fuck your mind because of this lesson. Some of them claim that value can only be determined by demand and others begin to blend them by being foolish, because, according to them value can only be determined by supply or something fucking else.

I used to think that Karl Marx is a merit figure in history because he tried to solve the poverty problem but now i think he's fucking crazy. You will see his name in everywhere if you are am economics student. In Sociology, in macroeconomics, in microeconomics, in comparative world economy, in politics...
In 2nd the January which is follower of the 2015's first day, i have a final term for History of Economic Thought.
by ch32 December 31, 2015
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Kizzletonian Economics is a little known economic system developed by Sir Quillogy, Sir Palifcato and Sir Wurmai.
Dude1: "This is a classic example of Kizzletonian Economics. You can tell by how good the economy is doing."
by notnuumnuum September 16, 2021
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Unbridled greed.
I exercised my economic liberty at Ampad when I worked at Bain.
by BainDrainsYouDry January 13, 2012
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Also known as ECON101 - A phrase styled after the usual name of an introductory economics module at university or college. It's usually used by libertarians and conservatives to explain away the problems of capitalism, with the implication that their interlocutor "simply doesn't understand basic economics", even though a lot of said basic economics go on to be debunked in Economics 201.
Lib: "The minimum wage was introduced so that every employed person could afford food and rent, but ever since the Reagan administration, wages haven't been following the massive increases in productivity, as well as skyrocketing rent."

Cons: "Bruh, that's dumb - raising wages means people must get fired! Also, rent is increasing because more people want to rent! Supply and demand - it's just Economics 101."
by obnoxious_leftie July 11, 2022
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Economic Transplant: are individuals who move out of their hometowns and transplant themselves into the larger economies of bigger cities. This explains why some demographics of the U.S. population are able to become successful in obtaining better jobs in bigger cities or any city or town other than their hometown. These economic transplants usually do better than the local population in obtaining higher salaries.
Johnny moved from his hometown (Rochester, NY) to Charlotte, North Carolina recently and found high-paying job in the local economy. Yeah, Johnny is a economic transplant who moved out of the urban decay of northern inner-cities and expensive coastal cities to find greater economic opportunities than the local Johnnies of Charlotte, North Carolina.
by Afro Gemini October 19, 2019
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