The act of bending a man over a stump and giving him the handle of your axe.
Jim was being a little bitch so i gave him a classy viking.
by Melody Cool May 14, 2023
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A counter-strike global offensive multiplayer community which involves servers such as Jailbreak and TTT, many people play on this server such as Ollie Epic Gamer, Papper Drunk and Bax Weaboo.
I love playing on classy wolves servers
by NoTOhall2 September 27, 2019
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To turn up in a classy way. (i.e., drinking wine - not moscato). Must speak properly and be sophisticated. Cannot act ratchet or sloppy.
Sentence: Yo when Jessica turns 21 she is going to classy turn up.
by runningthruda6 March 23, 2015
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Receiving a rimjob while wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar.
A classy rimjob/ John’s hat and cigar were the only things he could find to wear for a rimjob party
by Slutbucketsuckit July 11, 2021
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A cock in a suit and tie.

Damn, that is one classy cock.
Damn, that is one classy cock.
by Crystaltoe October 15, 2015
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The Classy Issue is originally a tumblr page, but got so famous its made into a online shop. Also has millions of followers on Instagram. The images found at The Classy Issue collectively define the true definition of classy in its purest form: scantily clad women, graffiti, weaponry, NSFW imagery and a hovering weed haze. We will lift our pinky finger and toast to that.
Damn you look sexy on that picture, i´ll tag the classy issue
by hoehoehoe12345 November 29, 2016
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