The bIgGeSt s t u p i d dumb f a c e in the wOrld
by IHateZach June 4, 2018
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Big ding dong, best gu y ever better than Asher, Asher has no life or friends and is very lonely
Zach is amazing and has extremely big ding dong
by Better than Asher March 18, 2019
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a stupid ,smart ,caring ,energetic person who likes to flirt with a lot of people. he doesnt know when to stop picking on people until he gets in trouble. and like drugs
zach is my buddy and he is stupid and caring i am glade were friends. but i wish he would stop trying to sell me drugs
by buddyflufness December 11, 2017
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A smart dumbass. Usually pretty skinny. They're very loyal and fun to hang out with.
They can always make you laugh or feel better. They make the best boyfriend/guy friend ever. They are super caring. They also have nice dark hair. They love hanging out with friends.
"Zach is literally the best guy I've ever met"

"I know right? He's so funny too!"
by user9173 October 21, 2019
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An absolute gay nae nae monkey baby. He is a failed sound cloud rapper who gets angry at any criticism and will start to immediately cry. You can say a joke about him because he will go monkey rage. Zach likes to touch little boys in the woods, and likes to kiss people without consent. Zach is pretty cool.
Brad: ¨Oh shit look out it´s Zach.¨
Chad: ¨Oh No run¨
by EpicGamerMan69 November 8, 2019
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Zach is a really big jackass with no friends and really big man titties. he looks like a very fat hippie and can be very annoying. nobody likes him and if he says he has a girlfriend, dont believe him because he is dating his mother.
Zach~*pretends he knows how to dance*

Sydney.B~ He looks like a fat hippie
by DumboWumbo December 5, 2019
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the quietest prick of them all
“ah it’s that quiet Zach kid. only talks in the gc
“ugh, why does he talk so short irl but holds whole convos in gc
by lol.lemons January 6, 2019
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