the space/pause between boy friend and girl friend is the friend "zone"; classifying you only as a friend that is a guy or a friend that is a girl, nothing more.
Friend 1 : omg you and Bob act like y'all dating
Friend 2: NAHHHHHH, he's just my boy_friend.
Friend 1: ouch you friend zoned him
by chicken pen15 March 26, 2016
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A term used to stigmatize women for not having reciprocate feelings towards someone who is "into them". It is intended to make females feel bad for not liking someone in a romantic/sexual way.
This girl just left me in the Friend Zone. What a tight ass she is for not being attracted to each and every male human being she knows. And she DARES to think it is fine for us to only be friends? I can't believe I've been nice to her all this time and she isn't even gonna sleep with me.
by HeimdallTheGatekeeper February 11, 2018
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Friend zone does not exist it is made up term that people use when they are rejected from another person to be there girlfriend/boyfriend. When u are rejected it usualy means that u are fat or gay
She put me in friend zone

No she didnt u are just fat and gay
by NiggyTheRealOne September 22, 2020
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Term used by mainly guys who have been rejected by a girl and then she says "but we can still be friends" or "i like you as a friend".
Guy- "hey i like you"
Girl- "sorry i like you as a friend"
Guy- " Friend-Zoned again"
by LoveFishy February 16, 2023
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The ultimate friend zone level and one of no return, akin to level 100m on the Original Donkey Kong or level 256 on Pac-Man.

The party in question is often so far in they do not realize they are in the midst of the friend-zone status.
1) A guy gets sent a naked picture from a girl who asks him to "make sure she looks alright before she sends it to another guy". He assumes this to be a ruse, that she actually wants his dick. This assumption is false, he is in fact in the nick level friend-zone.

2) There are two guys and a girl drinking in town. Guy 1 thinks he will take the girl home at the end of the night and does not understand why Guy 2 is hanging around so late. This is made clear when it is Guy 2 who takes the girl home, Guy 1 is nick level friend-zoned.
by sharkacon March 19, 2014
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When a girl puts you in the Friend Zone for more than 3 years.
Damn I guess Tyler's stuck in the Eternal Friend Zone. Megan has had him there for at least 4 years.
by VisedTech01 February 10, 2017
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When A Guy/Girl likes you but decides asking you out would be awkward if you said no and decided to just stay friends with you.
Sofia: So you like Karl?
Lily: Yeah I do, why?
Sofia: You should ask him out!
Lily: I don't think I will, were good friends and I want to stay friends instead of making things awkward.
Sofia: Oof I guess he got Reverse Friend Zoned.
by Bluedeviler December 13, 2022
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