When a man shaves his and his partner's pubic hair, glues it to his penis and has sex with the now hairy penis.
Bob tried to do a Dirty Crumple Sasquatch with his girlfriend last night. They aren't together now.
by KRock789 October 20, 2014
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Sasquatch: Totally "Sasquatch" meaning "cool" or better than "cool"

..Saying "cool" is un-Saquatch of you...
" you spilled my drink buddy .. Way un-Sasquatch"
by UnkleMike1985 April 7, 2009
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One who is a total douche bag, tool, or asshole. It can also be used as a term with your friends to piss one off.
Richard: "You're a total sasquatch boner sucking face!"

Jamal: "You're a dick" *starts crying*
by NipplesMcGee July 1, 2009
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when a person is seen on the street that is so fat people assume that all fat people must go to the same school
megan was about 170 lbs at the tender age of 13, she must have been attending the sasquatch school of beast masters
by Holly Matronic May 14, 2007
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When you're on a hike and stop to drain your main vain at the public porta-potty and get a wild hankerin' to spooge, so you MacGyver a flesh-light using your water bottle and collapsible silicone dog bowl. Later you stop at Taco Bell for a chalupa and Baja Blast that you put in your water bottle to make a Jizz Slurpee a Jizzlurpee.
Calvin loves hiking and sharing his Oregon Sasquatch Porta Potty Slurpee with all his friends.
by kat.ass.trophic_failure March 3, 2022
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When you take a dump and you feel it, hear it and smell it but when you turn around there is nothing there.

When you look for it it is never found, leading to some not believing its existence.

Up north it is known as an "Abdominal Snowman Poop", and in other countries "Yeti Shit"
Son: look Mommy!! I used the potty!!!
Mom: Good job honey, I'm so proud!! Let me see!....wait the bowl is empty...
Son: i swear I did it, Mommy
Mom: It does stink in here... But I don't believe you did it
Son: Really mommy, I did it must have been a Sasquatch poop..
Mom: There's no such thing..
Son: mom, don't be a skeptic, they are real
Mom: Go to work, your late.
by Oh gee biebs December 12, 2013
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