Tactical m4 with m203 grenade launcher, usually used for training young marines to getting used to shooting the m203.
The m4 usually doesn't have the m203 but can still be attached with one
by Mystrick August 7, 2003
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euphamism for the male sex organ.
Thanks to Chris Finch from the TV series the office.
''The next minute they were sucking on my single barrel pump action yogurt rifle''
by The Brigstain February 26, 2009
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another name for your dick,penis,cock,willy, 5th limb, 3rd leg... u get the idea
dont even go there or ill have to whip out my single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle
by mad February 28, 2005
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An underground meme that originated from the 1984 action film The Terminator. The T-800 goes to a gun store and asks for a Phased Plasma Rifle with 40 Watt Range. Because it is unsure of what weapons were created in 1984.
T-800: Phased Plasma Rifle With 40 Watt Range?
Dick Miller: Just what you see pal.
by The real Sid Vicious April 29, 2020
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The male reproductive organ which is often refered to as the penis, wang, cock, dick, knob
dont make me cap you with my single barreled pump action protein rifle
by Andy July 25, 2004
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Acceptance of a task. Based on the game Company of Heroes where the simmilar "Give me a rifle, one round and point me to Berlin" is said by riflemen squads.
Person 1: "Could you help me with something?
Person 2: Just give me a rifle and point me to Berlin.
by Word-Viking August 6, 2011
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