A dumb idiot who doesn’t know to correctly spell Schiman
Chase Gilbert: Hey Mister Shiman!
Mister Schiman:🤨
by J0nB0n December 13, 2019
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a dead pair of balls cut off and trimmed by the ball trimmer tm. gilbert is a fictional character from a fellow wattpad fanfiction of sangwoo ile imama doğru who is also a mafya and stole the kidneys of his tinder date because she called him small.
gilberts balls are not real
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A massive tight ass and is a cvnt abt it even though he has a net worth of 400 million
Ask that kid he has a lot of money
Nah hes a Gilbert Tighe he wont give me anything
by gilbaby August 17, 2022
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Gilbert Tighes are the saddest cvnts on earth, they are a tight ass even though they have a net worth of 400 million dollars.
by I hate u gilbaby August 11, 2022
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She is the best art professor, she's French oui oui baguette, she knows litteraly everything about art and that's tiring but she'll break you neck if you say the d-word, "du coup"
"Du coup Mme Gilbert cette œuvr-"
"NON TU AS DIT DU COUP C'EST NON *breaking neck noises*"
by La Mémé du turfu November 23, 2021
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Usually a tall, brown eyed , blond haired man , he tends to fuck her right in the pussy and no matter what has his friends backs. He tends to suck dick every now and the but yk.
“Gilbert Moore is so cool he is respectful and especially horny.”
by Madonajatsb February 14, 2020
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