Suffering from Autistic Duck Syndrome is makes it difficult to get my life in order.
by ArcadianSage November 5, 2020
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1. a small bird with a tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
2. a narrow minded, excessively rigid and emotionally detached human being, with bird like feet.
3. term used in frustration on a dim witted friend.
"Get out of the way of the tele you Autistic Sparrow"
by TheRealCatWilly May 9, 2019
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An individual who plays the autistic card while they themselves, are not autistic at all, but use it to their advantage to attempt to divert things such as prosecutions by the court. These individuals also parade under the disguise of

"independent media" to harass those who don't agree with their antics.
DonTard just cannot abide by his probation order conditions and then goes onto his News Now Canada Independent Media account and breaches them even more, his grandma, Alma Jean Robinson would be so disappointed that her grandson became such an autistic fucking retard.
by Dontard Hater October 24, 2023
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Used as in insult to describe someone’s actions as being abnormal
Man-“what’s going on with John?”
Man2-“no clue, he’s abit autisticated today.”
by Yofku October 17, 2023
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Somebody low on the autism spectrum. Similar to the placement of a jalapeño on the Scoville scale for measuring hot peppers.
"I'm not maxed out in the autism, I'm more jalapeño autistic."
by GKH1220 October 26, 2022
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Terrible internet where every time you sign in It almost immediately logs you out forcing you to log back in every 10-20 seconds.
I hate my local library due to its autistic wi-fi. every time I look down at my phone I'm disconnected from the internet.
by _somedoot_ November 24, 2018
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