Cats hair ball that resembles a turd
Look out for that barf turd!
by Baumgeeb March 24, 2018
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Anything coming out of Breitbart, a reich-wing fake news site, and any troll that supports the non-human waste of life Nazi trash the writes its drivel.
I don't care what nugatory b-barf trash like you has to say.
by Liberty999 April 13, 2018
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A printer malfunction in which multiple pages of gibberish are produced instead of the expected document.
The printer spits out page after page of undecipherable symbols at maximum speed, giving the impression that it's had far, far too many drinks at the party.


Buddy: "Where's the document I printed? It's just pages of random gibberish."

Paul: "Looks like it just paper barfed."
by thehelpdesk April 14, 2011
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A sleeping bag which has been vomited in. Sleeping in it is optional.
Dude... someone totally barf burritoed that sleeping bag.
by Tucker Fourchanitlee February 11, 2011
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Omg, I totally made you cooter barf with that killer thrust maneuver!
by CooterQueen March 11, 2014
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When Dave shook his ass like a donkey with Parkinson's and said

I never new me cheating on you would come back to haunt me
You were supposed to love me, now bleed bitch bleed
I barfed in my hat
I thought Pikey had cheated on me because he had one girlfriend before me
But when Dave showed up and ate my mom's pussy and my entire facebook page along with 50 sluts all dying from asphyixia because he is fucking he man. (THA MAN). PHAT. I barfed in my hat.
by bogosuperelf December 17, 2020
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paint the town red

..and green

..and blue

..and yellow

..and orange

..and pink

..and purple

through the manner of vomiting
"this tastes like barf!!"
by alyssa69gaming2011 February 19, 2023
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