A pirate moan is when a pirate moans. It’s beautiful. Baylen Levine will sometimes use this in his videos when connecting to speaker at stores. Also could be use a your new “normal” moan.
OMG why do you keep pirate moaning. Because your pirate step-mom is vaping. And frick vape. So I’m trying to cry but I’m pirate moaning.
by ThatGuyWompo August 14, 2021
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A pilfgram turned Pilfer Pirate on a pilfgrimage of a life time on the Highest seas. Plundering and pilfing all the booty that is thrown their way.
Pilfer Pirate 🦜 stole my Girlfriend with gel pins, coloring books, and a quarter gram.
by Schmidt Show April 23, 2022
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doing menacing things with your E break in a snow covered parking lot while you blast the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song
by Gilf dungeon master chad February 26, 2022
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Pirate from Orange County AKA The Land of the Milk & Honeys... Pirates from OC usually are full blown dope fiends. If they don't sell drugs themselves they're more than likely a middle man that can get you bomb drugs (especially opiates like Fetynol and Heroin) If you run into the rare but still very real pirate that doesn't sell/middle dope then make sure you have any and all items of value/worth close to your body or within eye shot. They are the ones that will take everything you don't watch!

The official pirate motto is: "Take what you want, and give nothing back!" If you live by this motto and/or believe it fully then you may be a pirate. And if you live in OC and believe it then you fall into the O*C Pirate and you are at the top of the hierarchy of all pirates. This eliteness gives you the authority to take anything you may deem worthy of your taking and keeping without having to ask or purchase. This is because it follows the pirate motto.

When it comes to police no kind of admiration or friendship may be allowed between Pirate and ALL POLICE OFFICERS Of any kind. Failure to follow this can lead to immediate excommunication from being a pirate and all benefits of the pirate motto and more. If you have to ask if you're a pirate you most likely are not one. This is because to be a pirate you must be certain in all things always. If there is any form of doubt ever a pirate will make their choice based on whatever gives them the most.
DUDE: Hey bro I'm in Orange County and need to score who can I hit up?
BRO: Dude you don't know any O*C Pirate They are always the best!
DUDE: Yeah the last one I met said I was a lame and took everything I had!
BRO: Checks out! I don't think we can be friends anymore dude...
by Pirate SCB November 1, 2021
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Someone who by their existence is robbing you of the air you breathe.
by Suede opinion July 6, 2022
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When a guy/girl wears their hair parted to one side and the hair swoop covers one eye.
Hey look, Julianne has a new do that covers her one eye. Oh yeah! she is such a hipster hair pirate.
by sassoon April 13, 2011
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A delicious mixed drink with Grenadine, Rum, and Diet Coke on the rocks.
This Queer Pirate is kicking my ass!
by wsbucker February 7, 2012
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