Someone who is willing to have intercourse with an animal or is simply attracted towards animals
Josh: Dude, did you hear about john?
Bill: Yeah I did. I hear he fucked a cow. What an animal pirate.
by PoopieMcPooperTon February 6, 2020
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To steal and have sex with another's girlfriend.
Guy One: Hey dude, where is Cindy?

Guy Two: She left me for Jack, he's such a snatch pirate.
by Pirata April 27, 2018
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A man who is possessed by a homosexual poltergeist that influences their mind to have satisfaction in a limpy wristed fags cornholio.
There is a dark smelly spirit on that Butt Pirate. I think it smells like poop.
by Mr. Homophobia May 31, 2023
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Someone who is possessed by a homosexual poltergeist that influences their mind to like the feeling of the inside of cornholio.
I think that butt pirate is making an error and has an enthatuation with the affections he gets from cornholio.
by Mr. Homophobia May 26, 2023
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Someone who goes to adult book stores and has an unnatural affection for cornholio.
Gee, that Butt Pirate has poop on his pole from the Limpy Wristed Fags cornholio.
by Mr. Homophobia May 25, 2023
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a mixed shot consisting of Butterscotch Liquer (butt) and Captain Morgans Rum (Pirate). Usually served cold after shaken over ice...unless you like hot butt pirates that is.
Guy1: Hey barkeep...2 butt pirates please
barkeep: coming right want em hot or cold?
Guy1: Shake them bitches up...we dont do warm shots!
by Hot_Carl March 25, 2010
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When you sit on someones head and rip ass on their head.
We were sitting in gym and Charles pulled a Butt Pirate on me. I smelled like a fart all day long.
by Dark Lotuz April 12, 2010
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