If something or some1 is sweet or tasty
Ur sista is a caramel 50
Ur mum was a caramel 50
by 567864862588 October 19, 2019
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A state of mind where you are overcome with a feeling of numbness and every movement feels slow, like it would if you were to be stuck in a pond of caramel. It has no feeling of euphoria as a drug might and is closer to a sweet sadness.
Carol tried to run out the door, but couldn't get the energy she needed and like she was stuck in a caramel pond.
by lnclndglsdb8 October 31, 2017
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People who have erectile disfenction gamer tag
My dick don’t work add me on xbox it’s wedge v caramel
by Guy killa478 January 17, 2018
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The quality associated with an edible product having a very intense caramel flavor.
I don't like this ice-cream, it is too caramelic.
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Faecal matter stuck to the end of a penis following unclean anal sex.
A: I have cleaned up down there, and I'm ready to go...
B: Good, I don't want a caramel tip!
by bigjizzyg November 5, 2017
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