to partake in sexual intercourse. Synonyms: penetrate, rearrange guts ect
girl: omg he totally scrambled my yolk last night it was cray….
boy: dude i totally scrambled her yolk
by greg boston 34 October 31, 2021
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To masturbate with a hand warmer before you enter her vagina and when she cums her egg is scrambled from the warm dick.
Scrambling Eggs- "Shit, Kyle really went to town scrambling eggs last night!"
by LickDickRick January 31, 2018
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When a male ejaculates in the shower it makes the semen form what looks to be scrambled eggs.
Male 1: Man, last night I made some scrambled eggs.

Male 2: That's pretty disgusting, man.
by Dick Cheese Machine July 26, 2018
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A trans person in denial that is so in denial of their true self that they turn to bigotry, usually transphobia, in order to cope with their own fear and self hatred towards themselves. Prime for indoctrination by the far right.
Person 1: *insert thing here* is so woke! The liberals are at it again!
Person 2: Don't you literally draw genderbend/trans hentai for a living?
Persona 1: S...shut up! It's just a fetish for me! I'm not a degenerate trans like you! Baka!
Persona 2: Lol what a scrambled egg.
by KrimsonKatt June 6, 2023
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The act of a pregnant woman using a clothe hanger or a stick to abort a fetus, thus making the fetus a scrambled egg.
Dude did you hear about Stacy?
Yeah dude, she turned that dude into a scrambled egg
by Largemakesstuff October 14, 2019
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When you scoop out your partners eggs and you cum on them and mix it up to then eat it.
me and Martha made some scrambled eggs last night!

No way!

Yeah she let me scoop em right out!
by Marthas.big.juicy.eggs February 25, 2019
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