Nevaeh is the most beautiful stunning amazing girl in the world that you will ever meet. Her personality is the best. Super caring always willing to talk with you. Has the most cutest voice ever. If I was u I would stick to a nevaeh forever. These are the most loving type of girls who are always willing to talk out problems. Yea she has sass but it’s something that makes her unique. She is usually Asian pretty short and athletic af. You will never meet a better girl than a nevaeh there is a reason her name is heaven spelt backwards. She is usually the type of girl to love her and only her man. Although she has a couple hoes she is loyal and one of a kind. Genuinely the most kind person there is to exist in the universe. If you ever see this Nevaeh I love you💜
-Emiliano P
by emi🧍🏽 December 3, 2022
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Nevaeh is a gorgeous, funny, badass who if youre her best friend youre lucky asf shes hard to get and absolutely stunning she has blue eyes and freckles and im in love with her~
Nevaeh is gorgeous
by In loveeee March 4, 2022
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Nevaeh is heaven spell backward she is caring and always put other before herself she have a bad temper and has a hard time controlling it. she is she is so beautiful but the sad part about it is that she don't know her worth bc she always doubts herself by caring out what other people say. her life is not all her life is not like putting together a pj sandwich she is the best bestie you could ask for and a great hype girl
p.s love all the nevaeh out there

by Nevaeh Brownie July 8, 2022
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Nevaeh is Heaven backwards, Nevaeh's tend to be moody almost all the time they are quite intelligent people they are not afraid to show people who they really are, unlike some people they do not have misplaced-pride they are proud to be themselves but do not show it, they dought themselves more them anybody they do not think of themselves as lucky or gifted, but all they need is a friend to tell them they are loved, they do not like to be rejected, they do not like asking somebody out they wait for you to ask them out yourself.
Nevaeh, her favorite word is lol
by not rich bish April 27, 2021
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A dumbass bitch who I hate bc she thinks I’m gay
Nevaeh sucks!!! That bitch
by R4ng3r May 31, 2019
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Nevaeh (NOT Neveah) is the most amazing creature ever created. Even though her relation with her parents complicated they should always be thanked for bringing her into this world. No matter who she's with she is out of his league . If you are that lucky person take advantage of the time you have with her before she notices her worth. I will have spent a year with MY Nevaeh tomorrow and I would never move on from her. If she reads this... | |||| ||| bebz
Man 1: I have a date with Nevaeh

Man 2: WOW!! I wish brev!
Man 1: --
Man 2: U good bro?
Man 1: My bad cuz... I was imagining her beautiful face
** random man overhears what Man 1 said
by Master kik November 12, 2022
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