wow he just assumed that because im hispanic,im mexican!! he is such a gringo
by mytiktokis_soggycookies_ April 18, 2021
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Noun: white female American ( non Mexican)
Women with the first name Samantha usually fall under this definition. They like to hangout with half blooded Filipinos who look Mexican but nope. They are often mistaken and needed to be corrected.

These gringos like to celebrate cinco de mayo by hanging out with fake Mexicans at Acapulco to get margaritas.
Who is that pretty fat booty girl who’s hanging out with those Mexican sisters. “ oh that’s el gringo
by Miss fangela May 7, 2021
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a term vastly used in Mexico an LatAm to refer to a (white) English speaker.
It is mostly used to refer to (white) Americans but it can be also used to refer to any (white) non-latin.
P1(latin): jaja pinche gringo pendejo, no sabe que estoy hablando pura mierda de él.
P2(gringo): tf did he say?
by obese cumlord September 10, 2021
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person 1: look at that gringo

person 2: he looks like he shot up a school
by jayzz1232 July 21, 2019
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A racist close minded white American Or English person who has problems with Hispanic people because they believe that they are criminals
by Bumlordio March 8, 2020
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As copied and pasted wholesale from wikipedia:
The word gringo was first recorded in Volume II of the Diccionario castellano con las voces de Ciencias y Artes y sus correspondientes en las 3 lenguas francesa, latina e italiana (Castilian Dictionary including the Words of the Sciences and the Arts, and their Correspondents in 3 Languages: French, Latin, and Italian, 1787), by Terreros y Pando, wherein it is defined as:

TLDR a non spanish speaker on the american continent.
"The term gringo comes from the green uniforms of american soldiers in the mexican american war."
"no it doesnt you hamster loving buffoon, it translates from the spanish word for greek, and was coopted to refer to all citizens of the USA because the country's name translates poorly"
by AlackofCaring April 13, 2017
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A nickname Mexicans use to refer to Americans. It seems many Americans think it's offensive, but as far as I've heard being said in Mexico, it's just a casual way to refer to Americans. Btw, the term seems to almost exclusively be used to refer to Americans for some reason.
El nuevo compañero de la escuela es gringo. Apenas se entiende su español.

(The new classmate is gringo. I can barely understand his spanish.)
by Dr.Joshicats April 28, 2022
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