Used in conjuntion with the sport of snowboarding. The process by which an unexperienced snowboarder finds himself unable to traverse the slope correctly, and must slide down horizontally, facing down the slope without turning, thus "dorking" the run. This rubs off powder and moguls enjoyed by qualified boarders and skiers.
Look at those two dorking the run.
by JP December 11, 2003
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Activities that are not cool in any way and that often are associated with academics or hobbies
Arranging flowers in a vase according to their size and color for an hour is an example of a dorkativity.
by GDDPHD April 24, 2017
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Someone who acts extremely immature either because they seek attention, to have fun, or because they don't care what others think of them.
Dorks are so annoying.
by Dan June 25, 2004
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Someone who is brilliant (or thinks/acts like they are), wants to reach out and make friends (but they don't always know how), and has so many conflicting, intense thoughts that they end up being completely misunderstood by the rest of the community.

A dork thinks their glasses make them look pretty darn sharp, but sometimes they'd kill to ditch them for a day and just be normal. Of course, they wouldn't tell you that. A dork doesn't want to seem self-conscious, and tries to accept their own dorkiness in the hopes that everyone else will. A dork wants to do something great with their life, but feels limited by time, space, and stereotypes.

Deep down, a dork is just a normal kid with a ginourmous IQ who just wants to be accepted as the eerily smart kid that they are.
Dork: The short guy with glasses who took calculus as a freshman in high school.
by hazelwithcontacts June 5, 2009
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a chimera or hybrid of two mammal species
the result of a mating between a dog and a pig (pork) is a "dork."
by ahab the A-rab April 24, 2003
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