A term for a three way with 2 men and 1 woman that couldn't possibly be a game or anything else becuase words only mean one thing.
Can also be a metaphor for people believing what they want to be true.
Regular person: Have you played that strategy board game Devil's Triangle?
Partisan autist: No that can't possible be a game because it's already a sexual practice.
by SneakersO'Toole November 20, 2020
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A drinking game played at parties by 2 men, in which three cups are arranged in a triangle and filled with beer. (Players must like beer.)

One player flips a quarter while the other calls heads or tails. The three drinks are then roofied and handed out to female party-goers. Players then simultaneously rape the first woman to pass out. The coin flip determines who takes anal.

At the moment of climax, players give each other a high five and maybe hold hands there for a bit (optional). Technically the rule is that players cannot make eye contact during intercourse but we all know they do it anyway.

Pretty gay imo
"After working out with PJ and Squee, Brett and Mark went to a party and engaged in a game of Devils Triangle."

"I can't believe you bragged about having a Devils Triangle in your yearbook bro! Everyone's talking about what a homo you are."

"The 'honorable' Judge Brett Kavanaugh perjured himself a bit when questioned about the Devils Triangle. Just a bit though imo."
by Rey (pseudonym) October 2, 2022
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When someone has taken so many drugs (especially cocaine), they are very angry and confrontational.
Derek got the blue devils for sure. He was gonna punch me.
by Tj567 April 29, 2020
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The Guys That Keep Winning Every Fucking Year
Oh, Let Me Guess. The Blue Devils Are Gonna Wine For The Millionth Time This Year.
by fwefff August 18, 2023
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another word for bigfoot.
also known as a bearded, fat, or ugly alchoholic man or hobo.
the guy living next door is a total scookom devil
by the_green_tamborine June 22, 2008
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a synonym phrase for 'how the fuck'
father: son go do your homework and improve your poor grades.

son (scowling): how in the devil's name did you know my grades were so poor?

father: I had the common sense to clean out the from the fireplace. And guess what I found there? Bits and pieces of your report card. Put two and two together and the result is, Sherlock, that you tried burning your report card; you didn't want your mom and myself to see it.
by Sexydimma March 16, 2013
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Is a clan in a game called Pixel Gun 3D
Example: Devil’s Trigger is a clan made by Tesla
by Cubic Games February 7, 2021
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