When your girl licks the tip of your dick, when ur having oral sex
"Dude last night Maria was flipping my ponytail"
by Engish September 3, 2023
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When you are a very crusty kid and you take a shower and get left out. Now you have rust in your crust.
Person one: Your crusty you should take a shower.
Crusty kid: yeah I should. After i'm going to play outside!
Crusty kid: Oh no now I have rust in my crust because I was out too long!
Person: Yikes! You should pour coke on that.
by ijgfiu davhaj February 25, 2019
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Often used as a term you use on your wife or husband to assert your dominance or to just have them make you your sandwich
Make me my sandwich dammit or your fired
by CanIMakeMyLifeBetter October 19, 2019
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It is like the term "losing my mind" accept it physical. Like being clumsy or messing stuff up.
by Olive Elizabeth Lou February 1, 2019
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'No nudity in my film' a saying by a special kind of retard. Christian Phillips in the youtube video 'Christian has gone rogue'
He spurted this worthless set of words when his friend was zipping up his pants pocket. Christian realized this would be the perfect time to make a funny blooper for their VERY professional class film. Running up and yelling "NO NUDITY IN MY FILM!" it is very common to also associate this saying with the Omae wa moe shinderu meme.
Christian: "Yeah dude! I live on Kipling and Eglinton..."
*Richard is zipping his pants pocket*
Christian: "Omae wa moe, shinderu!"
Richard: "Nani!?"
*Loud noises of absolute destruction and devastation followed by Christian's ultimate one liner*
Christian: "No nudity in my film!!!!!!!"
by RadicalRads11 November 8, 2018
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