Big bodied guys set their bellies on someone’s forehead while receiving a blow job.
His forehead warmer flattened out my bangs.
by DanielKerscher October 12, 2022
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Is when you drunkenly get a blowjob from a hooker while visiting Rhode Island, in winter, behind the bar dumpster and midway through you vomit profusely onto his/hers neck thus warming their exposed neck. Allowing them to finish before last call
While visiting The Spider Room.
Hooker: Wanna head outside? I'll suck your cock.
Client: (just visiting)Isn't it cold out?
Hooker: I'll show you a Rhode Island Neck Warmer.
by J-hem September 26, 2020
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On a balmy summer day in June 2022, a man named Steed was consensually groping the buttocks of a woman when she farted on his hand, and thus a fine tradition began.
Sarah just gave Steed a Henderson Hand Warmer!
by Havenoshame June 22, 2022
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a derogatory term for black people based on slavery days when their white master put them in chains/shackles
“Yeah that ugly Chain Warmer drank all the koolaid.”
by JaBae200 December 19, 2021
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keeps your winkie warm so it doesn’t shrink
omg his willy warmers so big! he must have a huge shlong!!
by ur mums gay February 20, 2019
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Sometimes used to describe the female chest.
Yo girl! Nice hand-warmers you got there!
by viruswithshoes April 18, 2018
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A degradory term used to describe young private boarding school pupils in the private education system in the UK, immortalised in the film "IF" BY director Lyndsey Anderson. Where a junior pupil is ordered to "go along and warm the toilet seat for me,i'll be along in 3 minutes" ,by one os the senior prefects of the school, a classic example of inbred contempt and didain cultivated in such institutions towards those they consider beneath their personally assumed "status".
Young Blenkinsop-Smythe will be an ideal choice for an unquestioning lackey,he has a good history as an adept toilet seat warmer.
by Kingcobrakenny October 27, 2017
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