A guy who always tries his hardest, no matter what the challenge is. He will always do his absolutely best to win in and do the best in EVERYTHING! The person is most often a kid who doesn't know any better.
"That guy is doing really well"
"Yeah, he is also a tryhard kid"
by Definitely not a tryhard! February 6, 2017
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When somebody goes on a mad rampage (often in an FPS) like Chewbacca at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
1: Did you see Dave last night?
2: Yeah, he went full Chewie Tryhard and carried everyone in that CS game. People thought he was hacking!
by cctsn January 29, 2018
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Songs that have a lot of aggressive sounding instruments dubstep for example
Jacob likes to listen to his tryhard music when playing fortnite
by Fireguy47 August 11, 2018
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people who only play arabia and ban all non arabia clones (cenotes, valley etc.). cries with every new map pool.
brevan is an arabia tryhard
by zigge October 8, 2020
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A youtuber that wants to rise in the ranks and make people laugh even in the darkest of times in there life, he represents all the funny things and terrible edits in his videos
Did you see that new funny youtuber Admiral Tryhard
by Admiral Tryhard July 25, 2017
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Anyone named Liam tryhards so hardly that they find anybody who is being nice to them eliminated, They'll make sure their dead and get their revenge if they get killed by someone.
If you find a Tryhard Liam, most likely dodge their attacks and show them whos boss, if you suck then you die.

Billy: Oh your fucked, that's a Tryhard Liam if I have ever seen one.
by Tryhard Liam April 4, 2021
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