When your walking down the street and you see a bible on the ground; god thought you could use one
"I saw a sidewalk bible last night, god must have known about last night."
by Alice Renmont January 16, 2018
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Noun: The person who has to walk behind on a narrow sidewalk; the least favorite in a 3-person friend group who often feels like they don't belong or are unappreciated.
Person 1: even when I'm with them, those two sometimes act like I'm not even there. I'm their sidewalk friend.
by platy_fish September 30, 2023
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A term used in the Grand Theft Auto series for driving on the sidewalk at full speed killing pedestrians and letting them fly.
Bob: last night I started to play GTA V, and I went full sidewalk speed racer.
by December 23, 2020
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The ACT of securing paper money connected to translucence high test line in a public area while staying hidden. When someone attempts to retrieve the seemingly Lost cash the fisherman pulls or reels the cash out of reach. Usually a sport performed with $50 bills or larger for maximum comedic effect.
Dude I just went sidewalk fishing today and totally tricked some rich bimbos into chasing my money.

I could have swore I saw sidewalk fishing in that R. crumb comic.

I went sidewalk fishing when some fat old bastard walked up, and dearly fell on his face chasing my c note.
by Goatmangold September 2, 2022
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When you put someone's upper teeth on a sidewalk and you stomp on the back of their head.
2: Shut up or I'll give you a sidewalk stomp.
by kaycee the sword September 1, 2018
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Refers to where you and an acquaintance go for a jaunt along a street or nature-trail, but you each walk "separately" on either side of the lane instead of just traipsing along side-by-side in the usual way. This less-common practice could be for any of a variety of reasons, such as that the area's sidewalks are simply too narrow for two people to safely walk double-file, or that you and your companion are cleaning up trash along both sides of the road, or perhaps you're helping each other to look for one or more scattered items that got accidentally dropped sometime earlier.
Another good purpose for an opposite-sidewalks stroll would be if your walking-companion owes you some money that he presently has no way of paying back, and so you and he are collecting discarded returnable containers along the local roadways to earn a little additional cash towards the amount that he owes you. Extra points if your buddy willingly carries all the bags as they get filled with returnables, so that you yourself don't have to expend so much effort on his behalf; a six-cubic-foot-capacity plastic-tubbed wheelbarrow is a handy accessory here, to help ease this "weighty" burden.
by QuacksO August 20, 2018
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